Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kate Winslet with Oscar hairstyles

Kate Winslet with Oscar

For Kate Winslet, it has been a fantastic few months with her winning at both the Golden Globes and the Oscars. British people all over the world sat with bated breath to see if she would finally get the Oscar that she so desperately deserved and for once her dreams came true as did those of budding young actresses all over the world.

Kate Winslet with Oscar

Thankfully this time Kate had a better speech prepared and with her elegant one shoulder dress, beautifully set 50’s inspired hair and flawless makeup, it would seem that this time she was one hundred percent prepared for the coming award.

Kate Winslet at Oscars

The look that Kate Winslet went for at the glittering Oscars was almost a regal one; she had wonderful shining diamond earrings which wouldn’t look out of place on the Royal Family and with a rich blue dress that had just one shoulder gave her a real hour glass figure which Kate has been proud of for many years.

Kate Winslet

The hairstyle that she went for was quite 50’s inspired and imitated the bob look without having to cut off any length. Swept back from her face, the hair was slightly different to the side swept bangs that we have come to know Kate for and the whole look was beautifully sculpted and is bound to have women all over the world drooling over it.

For once, Kate Winslet got her Oscar and with the marvelous look that she pulled off and the media’s great reaction, it is a moment that she is sure never to forget.

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